A classic recipe, this traditional bread is rich in flavour. Boasting a thin crust dusted in flour, the inside of the loaf is lighter and airy. Perfect as toast or as a sandwich, this bread will keep you full for hours.
Traditional in both taste and recipe, this bloomer loaf is packed with flavour. With a dense, chewy texture, the bread boasts a strong savoury taste and is topped with tasty sesame seeds for added magic.
With a crisp, crunchy crust, this traditional wholemeal bread is deliciously simple. The texture inside is dense and soft and the grain-like taste will leave you wanting more. The savoury, wholegrain flavour is complemented by a spread of butter.
A sought after traditional recipe, the poppy seed bread is rich in flavour and dense in texture. The crust is coated in crunchy poppy seeds, adding that little bit of magic. Perfect with salted butter for lunch.
Extremely dense, this hearty multigrain bread is full of thick texture. Prepared with a variety of different grains, the loaf is rustic in appearance and speckled with flakes. Packed with nutrients, enjoy this bread with some salty butter spread.