Round Cake with chocolate and Fresh Fruits!


Round cake coated in chocolate and decorated with fresh fruits, available in 3 sizes: 12, 16, and 20 slices. Choose from 10 different filling flavours. A delicious and diverse selection that will satisfy various tastes and occasions.

Round cake coated in chocolate and decorated with fresh fruits, available in 3 sizes: 12, 16, and 20 slices. Choose from 10 different filling flavours:

1. Cream
2. Cream with Strawberry Jelly
3. Cream with Fruits (raspberry and peach)
4. Strawberry Cream
5. Chocolate with Rum and Cherries
6. Chocolate
7. Cookie Flavoured with Fresh Raspberries
8. Baked Meringue Flavoured
9. Rafaello (coconut cream)
10. Chocolate with Cherries

A delicious and diverse selection that will satisfy various tastes and occasions.

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